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Telecharger Le Breviaire Catholique Pdf 156

How to Download the Catholic Breviary PDF 156 for Free

The Catholic Breviary PDF 156 is a digital version of the book that contains the Liturgy of the Hours, the official prayer of the Church. The Liturgy of the Hours consists of five offices: Lauds (in the morning), the midday service (morning after lauds or noon or 3 p.m.), Vespers (in the evening between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m.), Compline (the evening before bedtime), and the office of readings or 'lectio divina' (at the best time of the day).

Telecharger Le Breviaire Catholique Pdf 156

The Catholic Breviary PDF 156 is a convenient way to pray with the Church using your smartphone, tablet, or computer. You can access the texts of the prayers, hymns, psalms, and biblical readings for any day of the year. You can also choose your preferred language, such as French, English, Italian, Latin, Spanish, and more.

If you want to download the Catholic Breviary PDF 156 for free, you have several options. Here are some of them:

  • You can use the app Bréviaire by Jean-Baptiste Le Bouquin, which is available on Google Play Store. This app offers you the complete Breviary and opens directly on the prayer corresponding to the hour. You can also download several days of offices and texts of the day in advance and leave serene.

  • You can use the app Bréviaire Catholique Français by ccTecchnologies, which is also available on Google Play Store. This app intends to be the most complex app with Catholic Breviary offering you as many options as possible. You can also listen to the Breviary in French for free in this app.

  • You can use the website Divinum Officium, which is a free online resource for the traditional Roman Breviary. You can access this website at You can select your language and your calendar and view the texts of the offices for any date.

These are some of the ways you can download the Catholic Breviary PDF 156 for free and pray with the Church wherever you are.

The Benefits of Using the Catholic Breviary PDF 156 for Your Spiritual Life

Praying the Liturgy of the Hours with the Catholic Breviary PDF 156 is not only a duty for priests and religious, but also a privilege and a blessing for all the faithful. The Liturgy of the Hours is the official prayer of the Church, which sanctifies the day and the night with the praise of God and the intercession for the world. By praying the Liturgy of the Hours, you join your voice to the voice of Christ and his Church, and you participate in the work of God (Opus Dei).

What are some of the benefits of using the Catholic Breviary PDF 156 for your spiritual life? Here are some of them:

  • You enrich your prayer life with the Word of God and the tradition of the Church. The Liturgy of the Hours exposes you to a rich selection of passages from sacred Scripture, especially the Psalms, which are the prayer book of Jesus and his Church. You also encounter the wisdom and insights of the Fathers and spiritual masters of the Church, who guide you in understanding and applying the Word of God to your life.

  • You conform your mind and heart to the mind and heart of Christ. The Liturgy of the Hours helps you to enter into the mystery of Christ, who is present and active in his Church and in the world. You follow his life, death, and resurrection through the liturgical seasons and feasts, and you learn to imitate his virtues and attitudes. You also share in his priestly, prophetic, and kingly mission, by offering yourself as a living sacrifice to God and by interceding for the needs of his people.

  • You connect with the universal Church and with your local community. The Liturgy of the Hours is a prayer that unites you with the whole Church, across time and space. You pray with and for all your brothers and sisters in Christ, especially those who are suffering or persecuted. You also pray with and for your local community, such as your family, parish, diocese, or religious order. You express your communion and solidarity with them, and you support them with your prayers.

  • You cultivate a habit of prayer and a rhythm of life. The Liturgy of the Hours helps you to organize your day around prayer, by marking the hours with specific prayers that correspond to their meaning and mood. You begin your day with Lauds, which is a prayer of praise and thanksgiving to God for his gifts. You continue your day with one or more midday prayers, which are prayers of petition and trust in God's providence. You end your day with Vespers, which is a prayer of gratitude and repentance for God's mercy. And you close your day with Compline, which is a prayer of peace and protection for God's presence.

These are some of the benefits of using the Catholic Breviary PDF 156 for your spiritual life. By praying the Liturgy of the Hours, you can grow in your love for God and for his Church, and you can become a more faithful disciple of Christ.

How to Pray the Liturgy of the Hours with the Catholic Breviary PDF 156

If you want to pray the Liturgy of the Hours with the Catholic Breviary PDF 156, you need to have a few things ready. First, you need to have a device that can access the PDF file, such as a smartphone, tablet, or computer. Second, you need to have a copy of the Catholic Breviary PDF 156, which you can download from one of the sources mentioned above. Third, you need to have some time and space to pray, preferably in a quiet and comfortable place.

Once you have everything ready, you can follow these simple steps to pray the Liturgy of the Hours:

  • Choose which hour you want to pray. Depending on your availability and preference, you can pray one or more of the seven hours of the Liturgy of the Hours. The most important ones are Morning Prayer (Lauds) and Evening Prayer (Vespers), which are also called the hinge hours. The other hours are: Office of Readings (which can be prayed at any time), Midday Prayer (which can be prayed at 9 a.m., noon, or 3 p.m.), and Night Prayer (Compline), which is prayed before going to bed.

  • Open the Catholic Breviary PDF 156 on your device and find the page that corresponds to the hour and the day you want to pray. You can use the table of contents or the calendar at the beginning of the PDF file to help you locate the right page. You can also use bookmarks or annotations to mark your place.

  • Follow the structure and texts of the hour as indicated in the PDF file. Each hour has a similar structure, which consists of: an introduction (sign of the cross and an invitatory or introductory verse), a hymn (a song of praise or petition), one or more psalms with antiphons (verses that introduce and conclude each psalm), a short reading from Scripture or from a Church document, a responsory (a short verse that responds to the reading), a Gospel canticle with an antiphon (a song taken from the Gospel that expresses the theme of the hour), intercessions (prayers for various intentions), the Lord's Prayer (the Our Father), a concluding prayer, and a dismissal (a blessing or a final verse).

  • Pray with attention and devotion, using your voice or your mind. You can pray alone or with others, aloud or silently, depending on your situation and preference. The important thing is to pray with your heart and to listen to God's voice speaking to you through his Word and his Church.

These are some easy and simple steps to pray the Liturgy of the Hours with the Catholic Breviary PDF 156. By praying this way, you can deepen your relationship with God and join in his work of sanctifying the world.

The History of the Liturgy of the Hours and the Catholic Breviary PDF 156

The Liturgy of the Hours, also known as the Divine Office or the Work of God (Opus Dei), is not a recent invention of the Church, but a venerable tradition that goes back to the early centuries of Christianity. The origins of the Liturgy of the Hours can be traced to the Jewish practice of praying at fixed times of the day, as prescribed in the Psalms and other books of the Old Testament. Jesus himself followed this practice, as did his apostles and disciples. [1] X Research source

The first Christians continued to pray at certain hours of the day, especially at dawn and dusk, using the Psalms and other biblical texts as their main source of prayer. Gradually, other elements were added to the prayer, such as hymns, readings, canticles, and intercessions. The Liturgy of the Hours became more organized and structured over time, with different forms developing in different regions and traditions. [2] X Research source

The Catholic Church inherited and adapted the Liturgy of the Hours from various sources, such as the monastic tradition, the Roman basilicas, and the papal court. The Liturgy of the Hours was codified and standardized by various councils and popes throughout history, especially after the Council of Trent in the 16th century. The Roman Breviary was the official book that contained the texts and rules for praying the Liturgy of the Hours in the Latin Church. The first edition of the Roman Breviary was published in 1568 by Pope Pius V, and it underwent several revisions and reforms until 1962. [3] X Research source

The Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) called for a renewal and simplification of the Liturgy of the Hours, in order to make it more accessible and meaningful for all the faithful. The Council also encouraged the use of vernacular languages and more participation by lay people in praying the Liturgy of the Hours. [4] X Research source

The Catholic Breviary PDF 156 is a digital version of the revised Liturgy of the Hours that was promulgated by Pope Paul VI in 1971. It contains all the texts and instructions for praying the seven hours of the Liturgy of the Hours in various languages, including French. The Catholic Breviary PDF 156 is a convenient and modern way to access and pray with the ancient and rich tradition of the Liturgy of the Hours.


The Liturgy of the Hours is a beautiful and ancient prayer that connects us with God and his Church throughout the day. By using the Catholic Breviary PDF 156, we can easily and conveniently pray the Liturgy of the Hours with our devices, in our preferred language and location. The Catholic Breviary PDF 156 is a valuable resource that helps us to enrich our spiritual life and to participate in the work of God. d282676c82


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